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11 Amazing Features of Android 11

Right here in this newsletter, we are able to discuss many things about android 11 with its fine features.
Right here in this newsletter, we are able to discuss many things about android 11 with its fine features. So, with none, in addition, put off, allow us to take a deep dive into the 11 satisfactory functions of android eleven. Allow us to see them one by one:

1. Easy Notification History

Recall going through a hassle whilst using the smartphone and getting notifications whilst all of sudden, by way of mistake, you swiped it without studying it? Properly, this feature of android eleven solves this difficulty too. Android eleven comes with a notification record to keep in tune with all the notifications to procure in advance.

2. One-Time Permission

In android, we had this option to allow place, contacts, messages, digicam, etc., simplest as soon as. So, with this selection, you could grant get entry to programs most effective for one time.

3. Double-Tap Gesture

Even as you're busy doing some work and the device has slept, you may wake it up with just two faucets on the lower back of the device. This selection is provided handiest in android 11 and is specific in itself. It enables us double-faucet the rear of the tool and performs actions consisting of napping alarms, gambling and pausing the songs, turning off alarms, and lots of greater.

4. Chat Bubbles

This feature provides a superb manner of chatting in a trouble-free manner whilst doing some paintings. This is the same as the chat bubble of Facebook messenger. It gets proven up on the display without creating any problem with the already walking screen.

5. Motion Gesture

This is thrilling and my favorite feature that android eleven will provide us with. With its assist, we will set controls of the device and handle it with gestures, which include waving towards the proper of the screen to exchange the track while gambling it.

6. Night Mode Schedule

Though this feature is to be had already, it is a handy characteristic. We are able to agenda a while to show on/off the night-time mode at the tool with this feature. This selection is practical as it's far better for the eyes and doesn’t strain the eyes at the same time as the usage of the gadgets at night. Alongside that, it additionally saves the battery of the gadgets.

7. File Sharing

NFC stands for near discipline communique. This selection allows us to percentage files speedy from one tool to the other devices. It also lets in making payments at an example. For this, we don’t want to attach devices however just urgent the telephones in opposition to every difference, and unfortunately, the report is shared.

8. Biometric Authentication

Biometric authentication is finely accountable for the safety of the device and the date on it. Android 11 takes biometric authentication to the next absolute subsequent level offering excellent safety and privacy. With this selection, we will safeguard our gadgets in a higher way.

9. Expanded WiFi Suggestion

In android eleven, WiFi API has been multiplied to enhance and increase the management of networks in android devices. It does this through integrating skip point networks into the suggestion API and the usage of analytics to get facts approximately the network pleasant.

10. Off Notification While Recoeding

This selection is likewise one of my favorite functions in android 11. This selection is likewise going to assist a few of the users of android. For example, whilst doing a display screen report, don’t you feel inconvenience because of your notifications. In that case, this selection is going that will help you. how? Well, with this selection, the notifications can be muted even as the display screen recorder is on.

11. Airplane Mode

This option has solved the trouble of a lot of us. in this option, we are able to switch on the flight mode while the Bluetooth doesn’t get affected. this is best when you’re on the flight, and also you need to show at the flight mode however don’t need the Bluetooth to be affected.

Final Word

So, yes, those have been the pinnacle 11 functions of android eleven that I preferred and desired you all to realize. I'm hoping you enjoyed these functions as well.

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